Police Officer - Lee's Summit MO Police Department
Lee's Summit is a Kansas City suburb on the southeast side of the KC metro area. Our population is just over 105,000 and our service area is approximately 70 square miles. We have 163 sworn officers and a support staff of approximately 70 civilians. Our officers are covered under a work agreement that is administered by Lodge #50 of the FOP. The agreement has created a step pay plan for officers, currently in 2024, officers start at $50,394 a year and move to top out pay of $83,480 in 13 years. Along the way, an officer receives two pay raises a year, a raise in February of each year for range movements and a raise on their anniversary date for their step movement. The current agreement runs through 2025 and will be renegotiated for February of 2026. For lateral applicants, they can make lateral entry into our pay scale and get credit for up to five (5) years of service and start at $60,575. In addition to great pay and benefits, Lee's Summit is known for it's parks, school district and great community support for public safety. It is a great place to live, work and raise a family!
TYPE: Full Time
SALARY: $24.22 - 38.59 per hour $50,394 - 83,480 annually Fully funded LAGERS L-6 retirement at 2% x Years of Service.
OBTAINING AN APPLICATION: For more information and a link to apply, visit our website at: www.LSPDJOBS.net There, you will find links to both the recruit officer application as well as the lateral officer application. If you have questions, contact Sgt. Chris Depue at 816-969-1707 or cdepue@cityofls.net
CLOSING DATE: 12/29/2024