The Missouri Peace Officers Foundation Manages Educational Endeavors, Line of Duty Death Benefits and Scholarships
The Missouri Peace Officers Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization under the IRS Code. Therefore, donations made to the foundation are tax deductible. The Missouri Peace Officers Foundation is a separate stand-alone organization from the Missouri Peace Officers Association. The Foundation is composed of a group of law enforcement professionals dedicated to serving others. They volunteer their time and effort and receive no compensation.
The mission of the Missouri Peace Officers Foundation is to unify Missouri law enforcement’s endeavors within their communities through education, support and service.
The foundation's educational endeavors include an annual essay contest for all eighth grade students in schools across Missouri on the topic "Social Media" where cash awards are presented to the student authors of the winning essays.
The Missouri Peace Officers Foundation awards Five College Scholarships each year to dependents of Missouri Peace Officers Association members.
The Missouri Peace Officers Foundation also provides a $1,000 death benefit to the beneficiary of any member officer killed in the line of duty.
Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the foundation. We do not sell or provide the names of donors to other groups. You may also want to consider remembering the Missouri Peace Officers Foundation in estate planning.
Donations may be made online by clicking the DONATE button on the MPOA homepage or by mail to: Missouri Peace Officers Foundation, 101 West McCarty, Suite 200, Jefferson City, MO 65101.
Thank you for your support.